Truth Pudding Workshops

Wild & Wonderful Workshops for Active Cultures

Put it all on the table.
We’ll pick up what’s  and leave the toxic stuff behind.

Time out! Don’t waste another minute on an identity crisis. It’s hard on your team and it’s not doing your sales any favors! Invest in yourself and your people for some serious brand therapy. Spend a well-worth-it half-day: just you, me, and a flip chart.

Together, we’ll uncover your best self… and agree on how to talk about YOU. Email Rebecca to get in the queue.

Characterize your brand.

You’re building a big, beautiful business or powerful project. Give it a heartbeat. Humanize your mission and values for your intended audiences. You gotta give them something to resonate with or you’ll never get that loyalty you’ve been craving. #facts

Discover your stories and value.

If you’ve been living with the false assumption that you’re not that special, I call bullshit. The things you need to talk about are in there, you just need someone to extract them. Figure out why you’re totally extraordinary and grab your spotlight.

Rally your terrific team.

Your people are your brand. Shape the conversation with perennial positivity and core values. Give your team a mission to support and a work fam to love.

Orchestrated. Facilitated. Calibrated.

No amount of staff meetings or Slack channels can get to the meat of developing a brand. You need a facilitator – someone to come in and bond the team, ask the tough questions, and put it all into an action plan.

Half-Day and On-Site

Worksheets, pens, flip charts…and cookies, lots of cookies. We’ll break the ice in a way you will not hate — we promise. Then we’ll get to discovering what your market has been trying to tell you all along.

Spin Marketing Gold

The byproduct of all this mind-mapping is pure marketing gold. In less than a day, you’ll go from writer’s block to ideas-by-firehouse. Suddenly, the blog posts, newsletters, FB ads, podcast episodes, and social posts seem to flow effortlessly.